
Travel, lifestyle, architecture, and much more, so you can discover Japan
The purpose of our Multimedia Space is to give visitors an idea of the vast and rich Japanese culture by means of books, manga, and electronic content.
Each shelf is intended to drive visitor curiosity. These days, when someone looks for something, they can use Internet search engines. But we want our visitors to recover the pleasure of leafing through books and searching shelves, discovering sensations, creating desires, bringing back memories.
The books are not organized based on the A-Z logic as in libraries or bookstores. They are organized by subject, a more modern and attractive approach for readers. Whether in Japanese, English or Portuguese, here you will find a small, but rich collection.
Areas of knowledge that are covered include:
Gastronomy, Travel, Lifestyle, Culture, History, Design, Architecture, Technology, Japan and Brazil, and Children.
In our space, we also have 200 manga books, several of which used, which were donated by the Meiji University. They are all in Japanese, so if you cannot read them, you can still enjoy the authors’ beautiful strokes, drawn to portray scenes and characters.
We also have tablets so you can browse websites and digital content. Ask one of our monitors if you would like to use one.
Fun, education, and culture. We have it here.